The Family Freedom Center welcomes nominations for prospective Board members interested in helping us pursue our organization’s mission.
“OUR MISSION-The Family Freedom Center seeks to empower the Black Community by reconstructing cultural and socio-economic narratives and unapologetically embracing what it means to be Black, both historically and present day. Family Freedom Center will do this by exploring alternative means of education and providing resources that bridge the gap between community and families. This bridge will engage members of the organization with love, respect, guidance, knowledge, and pride. Family Freedom Center programs will foster positive change in various systemic landscapes that directly impact the Black community while being inclusive to the Duluth community at large”
This work is guided by a Board of Directors composed of representatives who have direct or indirect interactions with the Black community. These people are vested in the community and committed to helping the Black community of Duluth build and develop cultural resilience. The Board of Directors are selected based on their expressed and demonstrated commitment to the Family Freedom Center mission, their willingness to provide leadership and guidance to people involved in the Family Freedom Center programs, advocacy and opportunities that can support the Black community in Duluth.
NOTE: The term of office for the Board of Directors is 2 years and a member may serve two terms. Board meetings are conducted on the third Monday of each month at 7PM-8:30PM at location to be announced.
Please note that this is a working Board of Directors. (To be determined by the Board)